
Specializing in Adventure Travel to these Amazing Destinations!


More than a destination, Africa is deep within us all. Whether tracing the origins of humanity, the wonders of pyramids and pharaohs, markets of Morocco, or the splendor of the savanna with all the wildlife watching us, Africa draws us to her. Your journey may take you around the Cape, across the desert but you’ll come back transformed and eager to return.

South America

Natural wonders and diverse cultures overflow this amazing continent. Exploring bustling cities, quiet towns, roads to ancient temples and long abandoned cities which have withstood the test of time. Exploring the cultures, hearing the stories, and absorbing the atmosphere, you will find South America a welcome destination. We’ll design your journey through time.

Europe / Mediterranean

Seeking a spiritual journey or just the beaches of the Mediterranean, Israel, Jordan, Greece, Italy and many other Mediterranean countries answer many desires. For me, caressing the rose stone of Petra was as magical as the Rock of Calvary. Standing before the Temple of Zeus, sailing the Greek Isles, humble before the majesty of the Sistine, or dipping fingers into the Sea of Galilee, one can feel the spiritual inspiration of the ages.

Australia / New Zealand

Australia holds a special attraction for me. It was the first place I wanted to visit because I wanted to see a platypus. Snorkeling the Great Barrier Reef, listening to the calls of Tasmanian Devils, standing in awe of Uluru, or cruising Milford Sound, there is still so much to explore. I believe you’ll fall in love with the countries that make “no worries” a way of life.

Your Dream Destination

I know not everyone wants to see and do the same things or go to the same destinations. I certainly don’t! Imagine the lines if we all did! While I specialize in several destinations, I want to design YOUR dream vacation in the destination on YOUR bucket list. Pole to Pole, ocean to shining sea, holy lands, and rivers of the world, we will discuss your dreams enabling you to explore on your terms.

Start Planning Your Amazing Journey...